I baked oat & raisin cookies with Jamie Oliver’s new Tefal collection

Winter is a great time to get into baking, whether you want to make classic cakes, biscuits or something a little more adventurous.

I do a lot of baking in my spare time and use a variety of brands’ equipment so trying out this new Jamie Oliver Tefal range was super exciting to see if it lived up to my expectations.

The new range includes a 12-hole muffin tin, a tart tin, a springform cake in 20cm and 26cm, a baking tray and a cookie sheet.

Each piece has a non-stick coating, which means not only should they turn out perfect every time, but the pieces claim to be super easy to clean, whether by hand or in the dishwasher.

Stefan Kaczmarczuk, marketing manager for Tefal Cookware, said: “We’ve seen baking become more and more popular over the least few years.

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“It peaked during the pandemic with banana bread and sourdough searches going through the roof, but the baking boom shows no signs of slowing down. We are proud to be celebrating 20 years of Tefal and Jamie Oliver this year, so what better time than now to launch our first baking collection?

“We’re proud of this range as it’s useful, fun and unique, as well as being the perfect addition to any budding Star Baker’s kitchen.”

Jamie Oliver, chef, best-selling author and campaigner, added: “You’re going to have so much fun baking with my new range. From springform cake tins and baking trays to cookie sheets and muffin tins, the super-reliable, easy-to-clean collection is the baking kit you need in your kitchen. Let’s get inspired and let’s get baking.”

To celebrate the launch of the range, Jamie shared some of his favourite baking recipes including gluten-free oat and raisin cookies, which I made using the equipment.


100g unsalted butter

100g golden caster sugar

125g dark brown soft sugar

One large free-range egg

60ml buttermilk

200g gluten-free plain flour

Half a teaspoon of baking soda

100g raisins

200g gluten-free porridge oats

One teaspoon ground cinnamon

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I started by preheating my oven to 180C before lining the baking tray and cookie sheet with parchment paper. However, I left half of the equipment free from baking paper as I wanted to test their non-stick ability of.

I then melted the butter in a pan before combining the sugars in a large bowl, pouring in the butter and stirring to combine. Next, I beat the egg in a separate bowl before stirring into the mixture with the buttermilk.

The next step was to sieve in the flour and baking soda before folding through, and then adding in the remaining ingredients. I placed a heaped tablespoon of the mixture onto the trays, flattening them slightly, making sure to leave a good gap between them.

They then cooked in the oven for 14 minutes before transferring to cool on a wire rack. 

Both the baking tray and cookie sheet were incredible to use as they were such good sizes to fit lots on at once, reducing the need to wash up lots of baking trays.

I loved the blue colour of them as it felt like I was using luxury equipment and I’ve always wanted a cookie sheet in my collection.

The lip on the cookie sheet made it super easy to place in and out of the oven and the cookies didn’t stick to the tray at all, barely leaving anything behind when picked up with a spatula.

The tiny bit of cookie which remained on the tray was easily washed off without any scrubbing. I also tested out the muffin tray to make cheese and bacon muffins too as I have always found them to be inconsistent.

A lot of muffin trays on the market are either too small or too big for standard cupcake cases and can often turn a funny colour after a while.

However, Jamie’s muffin tray fitted my cases perfectly and was an absolute delight to use, cooking the cupcakes properly all the way through without leaving any greasy mixture at the bottom of them.

The muffin tray currently retails at £28, the baking tray at £20, the tart tin at £22, the 20cm springform cake tin at £22, the 26cm springform cake tin at £26 and the cookie sheet at £23.

The Jamie Oliver by Tefal bakeware range is available now from John Lewis.

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