‘I’m a cooking expert – here’s the single best method for storing bread’

A loaf of bread, whether home-baked or shop-bought is a must-have in every home.

That said, it can be difficult to master the art of helping them to stay fresh for as long as possible.

While many people turn to complicated storage methods, like wrapping and boxing up bread in the fridge, one cooking expert has claimed that it’s unnecessary.

Sharing her advice on the blog The Art of Doing Stuff, former TV host Karen Bertelsen said: “I did an experiment involving several loaves of bread and eight different storage methods.”

She revealed the “one method of storing bread that worked much better than everything [she] tried”.

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The blogger’s eight methods included keeping bread under glass on a wooden board and marble board, unwrapped in a drawer, in a linen bag, in a clay pot, and underneath various sized glass domes.

Karen explained: “Each loaf was cut in half and stored in one of the eight designated places. I measured their moisture with a moisture meter, but it turned out that wasn’t really necessary.

“Mould meant the bread was too moist with not enough ventilation, hard as a rock meant too dry with too much ventilation.”

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How to keep bread fresh

Out of all of the methods, there was one that championed the experiment – storing it in the original packaging.

According to the former TV host, the bakery bread bag is “far and away the best method” when kept at room temperature.

Put simply, the bread should be placed back in the bag once cut with the end folded over to conceal the exposed side.

It can then be left on a kitchen counter away from hot appliances, where it will stay soft and fluffy.

Karen warned that this method only works for bread wrapped in paper or bakery bags rather than entirely plastic ones.

While this will keep loaves at their peak freshness for around three extra days, the blogger warned that the best way to prolong the shelf life is to chill the bread.

She said: “For the longest shelf life and best quality, wrap your bread in plastic wrap or a plastic bag and store your fresh bread in the freezer. Slice it first then freeze.”

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